
deep thought

i can talk to much or say nothing at all
i can laugh too much or not laugh at all
i can feel too much or i feel nothing at all
i can care too much or dont care at all
i can be happy one day or unhappy the next
i can tell people that i need them and the next day i feel otherwise
see, im a ticking bomb. So confusing
my mind is like a rubiks cube
not easy to solve and love
so i appreciate those that stick by my side.
as iam growing as i feel that im in a wrong way
but remember no matter how far you have gone on the wrong road
you can still turn around.


So, here it is
I've spent all of my time just with them.
Dont know why since collage ive become so calm..
 and here's my best friends!
we became so minority and build own world together...... LOL

Remember how we first met?
You ask me about something that just both of us could understand!
Since i met you my collage life isnt as boring as usual
She's like my sister to me
Anything possibly she did just to make sure that i'm happy
We get grumpy to each other everytime
We have been through many problems
And fix it together
Thank u for always being my fortune-teller, Cut Annisa :p

ive spent 2 years sleep together with her at our flat in Bogor City
so, she's the first thing i see when i woke up, and the last thing i see before i sleep.
she such a nice girl..
most of time we got "shit" things together in Bogor city and ended up wondering why life isnt fair for both of us? HAHA
and now everything is almost over
im gonna miss you, Dian:(

This. my 24/7 gabut partner. We always have a some thought about something.
Listening to all her story just makes me laugh everytime eventhough she tell me her sad story LOL.

He's my human diary. Always be there when i need him. Friends since senior high school and through so many shit together.


losing you is really painfull.
i have prepared my self for a long time for leaving.
but it make no sense. it still hurt when i left you.
what can i do? i was just stuck on the puzzle.
how do you say goodbye to someone who's not exectly gone?
count down my graduation day...
you're leaving...
and after months i just realized that u're what i've been looking for.
i look for you in everyone...
tell them all i know now.
show it from the rooftop.
write it on a skyline.
all we had is gone now.
tell them i was happy.
tell them it's like what i really want.
tell them what i hold would be.


been so long

hello! warm regrads from here! it has been a long time that i havent write something here
so many things i've been through
well, lemme say that i almost graduated from my collage
and now im trully became an adult
i really want to write everything that ive been through if i could
bcz u guys would'nt believe it.
after read all these shit, it feels like something slap my heart really hard.
the truth is, I'VE CHANGED A LOT.
so many things that changed me.
if i could tell u guys about what's happening on my 2016.
u guys wouldnt believe that it was me, Della?
but first of all, i really want to thankfull for everything that happend to me.
thank God to help me through all these shit.. to brings the old me back.
i believe everything was happend for a reason.
i learn a lot about living.
i met so many kind of people.
i've been through bad and  good situation.
i've been traped for worst situation that i bet u guys wouldnt believe that it was me do anything fucking stupid and something that maybe can change all of my future dreams.
but the important point is, the old me was back and all i can do everday just want to thank to God for let the old me back.

i promise u guys i will start to write again, bcs writing is one of my favorite thing to do!






he's morphine
king of my vaccine


my new place

i never think i will end up here to finishing my collage
but, lemme say thankyou for everything you have done to me, my beloved God
i feel so blessed to lecture here :) 

jadi, karena udah lama ga posting dan dikarenakan gue libur, gue mau posting lg! yeay
so many times i've been through without writing here
and now, i have something to tell

setelah melalui perjuangan yang panjang, finally im graduated from SMAN 54 JAKARTA! walaupun gue belum cap 3 jari sampe skrg, dan gue gatau nasib ijazah gue.. :') yang pasti, seneng banget akhirnya keluar jg dari neraka paung itu, yhaaa walaupun sedih, soalnya sma emang seru, dan banyak momment yang menyenangkan disana. Well, times keep running. 

waktu denger pengumuman UN, ngga begitu deg deg an karena sebelum pengumuman, sma gue udah mengadakan graduation, aneh kan? ngga sih, cmn ya gt, thanks bgt 54 karna udah mau nampung murid kyk gue, sampe bisa make kebaya buat graduation di hari lulus-lulusan! 

im so happy on that day! yeaaaay
beberapa bulan menjelang un, sebenernya udah bingung mau kuliah dimana, akhirnya iseng-iseng daftar IPB, kali aja dapet, tapi sumpah ga ngarep banyak.. Akhirnya gue daftar di moestopo, yang gue kira bakal jd kampus resmi gue. Tapi alhamdulillah, pas pengumuman IPB, pak Eman sms gue dgn kata-kata jutek nya, "del.. km llos ipb, dtg y k sklh bsk" Ok........ Thanks pak. Seneng bgt pas denger itu!!!! walaupun sedih jg, karna mikir bakal pisah sm rumah, and someone who means a lot to me. 

Singkat cerita, akhirnya gue kuliah di vokasi Institut Pertanian Bogor jurusan Komunikasi.



i'm totally in love with this movie




"I heard an unhappy ending
It sort of sounds like you leaving.."

Piledriver waltz - Alex Turner

"I'm not the kind of fool
who's gonna sit and sing to you,
about stars, girl.."

Stuck on the puzzle - Alex Turner

 "And I'll wait for you
As if I'm waiting for the stone to stop
I've heard them talking
About how I'm gonna put you off

Tell me, how can I put you off
When you're a matter of urgency
I've got a million things that I need to do
But they're all secondary"

Glass in the park - Alex Turner  (my all time favourite)

Oooh.. i feel so freeze

it’s not just a lyric, it’s like a poet.. so beauty... and i'm in love with it

I adore you Alex Turner.